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Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2008 angezeigt.

OPManager MSP : DB Error / Repair

Please stop the Probe service and go to Probe\bin folder and execute > startdms.bat and check if the probe starts properly or not.Please check what error you get here ? Also, if there is a DBServer FAILED error, please execute the RepairDB.bat from the Probe\bin folder and then try to start the probe from command prompt

change esx host ip adress

Changing the IP address of service console in ESX 3.x Damian Murdoch comes through again, this time, helping us change the IP address of the service console in VMware's ESX Server 3.x. If you want to change the IP address of the service console in ESX 3.x you can using a command in the service console. To change the IP address of the ESX 3.x host, you need to change the configuration of the vswif. By default this is vswif0 and this is assumed in this document. Login to the service console with root permissions, either by using root or doing a su - to get the permissions. Once in the service console runt the command "esxcfg-vswif -d vswif0". This command deletes the existing vswif0. Don't worry if you get a message about nothing to flush. Then you need to run the command to change the ip address, subnet mask and broadcast address. They are also specified in that order when the command is given. An example command is below. "esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p Service\ Conso